Exceeding Expectations through Extraordinary Landscapes

Mulching: The Beneficial Finishing Touch

The advantages of mulching are endless. Mulching not only makes your landscape design stand out, it also provides many benefits and saves time on garden maintenance. Mulch is low maintenance and easy to care for, making it one of the best ways to guarantee a successful garden.

Mulching around tree

Now that spring has sprung, the perfect time has arrived to begin mulching. Before attempting to mulch, be sure to invest some hard work into cleaning up your landscape and garden. One of the purposes of mulching is to lock in nutrients and moisture – not debris.


Remove any potentially harmful material such as dead foliage or newly sprouted weeds before locking down the final layer.

At Absolute we love not only providing our customers with outstanding services, but valuable information as well. Below are more reasons as to why proper mulching is beneficial and important.


Advantages of Mulching


Mulching provides a base of protection for plants and improves their overall health. Mulch mixes well with soil – it helps insulate and protect the soil from harsh temperatures. The advantages of mulching include:

  • Reduces watering frequency: Mulch conserves water because it reduces the loss of soil moisture.
  • Prevents weed growth: Are you tired of constantly weeding? Mulch creates a barrier that limits the amount of sunlight to weeds, preventing growth.
  • Attracts worms: Worms aerate and provide fertilizer.
  • Adds a finished look to gardens: Mulch can be used to fill in empty spaces in gardens to create a polished appearance, and makes old bushes and flowers look newly planted.

Importance of Mulching

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It’s obvious that the advantages make mulching a no-brainer, but there are also practical reasons why mulching is important for your garden:

  • Mulch helps roots survive and adds nutrients to the soil which creates a healthy environment for plants.
  • When a layer of mulch surrounds plants it can prevent damage caused from lawn equipment.  A wide layer of mulch prevents mowers and other lawn equipment from getting too close and causing potential harm to the plants.
  • Mulch protects soil from erosion and reduces compaction from heavy rains.

Proper Mulching

Mulch stock

Proper mulching is very important in order to not cause damage to your garden. Using the correct amount of mulch is crucial as too much mulch can cause too many issues. A mulch pile that is too thick will actually prevent water from being absorbed by plants, causing it to pool around the base. This excess moisture can cause stress to the plant and its roots to rot. Over-mulching can also lead to disease problems, soil pH imbalance and nutrient deficiencies – all of which can cause major damage to your garden.

Don’t risk investing time and energy into your garden only to have it wither due to improper mulching. Contact one of our experts here for further information on our mulching services and how we can help brighten up your landscape!